What in the holy hole?
Lah kok gk ada?
2035 golden age.
The Primo Victoria is shit
Lucu, idol K-Pop Indonesia kena rasis oleh C-Netz, tapi lihat respon K-Netz malah jadi ironi.
SR revealed to me which people do not deserve my respect.
You know what? F*ck the "Varian" gimmick option. This is just straight up illegal and misleading. Why the hell does Tokopedia and other Olshop is ok with this behavior???
Jir serem juga ya, beli online, uangnya udah ditransfer tapi barang tak kunjung sampai.
20 January 2025 - Daily Chat Thread
Terutama hp/laptop
Every time the new model released
I fucking DESPISE my mother
What a waste
Bagaimana cara kita memberitahu nya?
Apa saja tugasnya?
Everyone loved my Note 7 here’s some more pics
How is it that 1m+ nparents have exactly the same behaviors?
The S25 hate is unnecessary in my opinion
17 January 2025 - Daily Chat Thread
Does Galaxy Z Flip 2 exist or did Samsung pulled a Galaxy Note 6?
Sedih gua liatnya, pada gk ngerti pre-order dan booking fee
Using an iPhone and avoiding it's ecosystem like a plague has been a blessing
V-Gen Kopi Premium
Minum Sesachet nambah berapa GB ya otaknya?