Where should I go next and why? Really sell it.
[request] life advice and tips and tricks for a bride [Missouri, United States]
[request] tips for the bride!
What does my fridge say about me?
Is this tacky?
Meet Vito!
Dog bite on breast
Do I have acral/benign nevus or acral melanoma?
Feedback please!!!
Can someone remove my boyfriend from this image?
Boyfriend (29M) tells me (27F) that I need to lose weight and be healthier
Boyfriend making me feel bad about my weight
I bet you’ll never guess her name. It starts with a B 👀
How dare bisexuals be *checks note* bisexual?
What could this bump be
Could I be pregnant?
[Thank you] I’ve received so many cards and I’m so beyond grateful
[Offer] US Valentine’s Offer [US to US]
i may have to drop out. I feel so stupid. My dad called me dumb. I made beef stroking off.
When leaving from the home, does anyone tell their pets they will be home later?
My mom doesn’t remember my birthday
[request] sad days [USA]
[request] just kinda meh
[Offer] 💖 10 Valentine’s Day Cards 💘[US to WW]
Increased sex drive but can’t orgasm?