Get in the dish sponge, Shinji!
Who are some of the best bike paint creators?
Free motocross stream?
Lap times
Explain a video game horribly and have other people guess it
A problem with my right trigger almost made me delete the game 😭
SffPC -25 update
guess my playtime based on this lap
Silver 1 and cant rank up even when top fragging and winning 5 times in a row.
No Idea why my Extruder is different to every other V3S3
How would i even go about saving this..
Do I need an entirely new hot end?
Hey community! My prints come out with these almost uneven lines, what settings should I adjust?
How do I put handguards on a bike template?
I got MX Bikes working with mods on linux. Does anyone want a tutorial?
Felt some pain and went to a dentist for a scan. Turns out my wisdom teeth is growing out horizontally
Guys where do you pee?
Long print...
Noctua NF-A4X10 mod on my Ender 3 v3 KE
My smart 3D printing filament can colour change when you breathe on it.
Anaheim 1 lap times?
Noctua mod on my KE
I can't find my way home, I only have two sausages, two deer stew and some mushrooms, and I'm freezing to near death... SOMEONE HELP!
Did Noctua drop a SFX PSU at CES ??? Jk.
I love this game so much lol. Almost 70 hours playtime, definitely seeing an improvement in consistency