Specialists: Any regrets about not doing general dentistry?
Strauman BLX scan bodies
New smile for the patient
Extraction and bridge prep in one appointment?
Help identifying implant please
Ya’ll ever seen a post and core build up on a battery terminal before?
Should I do this to my battery terminal?
Farted when sitting down to greet a new patient.
2024 Medicaid exodontist - 11,198 exts last year
I hope everyone’s had a good weekend. Iykyk
Whats a 10/10 movie youd never watch again?
Owners- How long did it take you to make good $?
Why is Dentistry so toxic?
Burned out dentists, what would is your desired net worth to move on from dentistry?
PPO Fee Negotiation
Regarding the working hours for associate dentists at PDS.
What would you do?
GPs, what percentage of your extractions are "surgical"?
Private Practice Comestic Dentist 33M
Self-proclaimed "Dental Veneer Specialist" Denied bond. Booked on 8 Felonies
What are the pros and cons of buying someone else’s practice vs starting my own brand new practice?
Dentists who bought practices in saturated U.S. cities. With loan costs, were you still immediately profitable?
Bulk fill flowable composite
How did the predoc superstars do in private practice?
Insurance fraud?