The Facebook automatic captions on the preview of the upcoming episode 💀
Why are so many people crying?
May the Best Drag Queen... Eat This Burger and Fries!
Rosé - No Practice (Official Video)
Anyone knows anything about this?
Is this true?? Potential Spoiler !!
Throwback to Rupaul's season 9 finale entrance, one of my favorite Drag Race moments ever
Anyone Else Tired of Naomi Bringing Up Eliminating Manila All The Time?
ConspiRucy: Is Drag Race trying to replace Nina Bo’nina Brown and her peach look?
On the recent live the S17 girls did with James Charles
Naysha about going home first
Legit thought this was Kandy
Joella is a sustainable queen of LA
So Glad Jewels & Onya Made Up
MIB being posted to a conservative subreddit is not what I anticipated for today.
Perfect to watch today, this woman is saying what we’ve all been thinking!
Carmen Farala creating a measuring tape dress!
she gets a bad rap but the advice Venus gave to the top 4 made me understand and love her more.
Another Lydia B Kollins appreciation post
Suzie Toot clarifies Reddit post about Hormona Lisa
Eureka resolves her beef with Mistress
Lexi confirms the hormona spillage
I’m kinda living for Acacia forgot
Every step down look from CDR so far…
Dream guest judges!