Two Years Ago: I finally realized that I do not care whether or not we ever get the Sims 5. What I would really love to see is a remastered Sims 2.
Day Trip to Fort Wayne
Ned is confirmed to be seperated
How different would “The Creature of Kapu Cave” be if the culprit was someone different? Who would you choose?
Digiorno personal size pepperoni stuffed crust pizza. Supposed to cook directly on oven rack but I didn’t want to risk a messy oven.
Only One Word!
I was messing around with chatgpt prompts and apparently it prefers Nancy in the present-tense
Nearly a pile up on I-69 right at 309 this morning about an hour after it started snowing.
Songs about getting betrayed by a friend?
What’s your favorite song on Heretic Pride?
I get a little bored during phone calls and chats in game—I’ve started crocheting as I do them. Helps a lot!
What’s your least favorite song on Get Lonely?
Here’s a picture of my cat posing as the cat (the name eludes me) from Secret of the Old Clock
MED 100%
What video game insists upon itself too much?
Which Mountain Goats song?
Which MARINA song?
When John's fingers scrape up the strings towards the end of 1 Samuel 15:23
Songs that feel this way?
2010 Justice
Ready, set, go!
Karl and raid
Which game is the best mix of challenge & quality?
Dark Star 2013
Name an Obscure Fantasy Romance Book and Lose a Point for Every Reader!
Picking a game is so hard-help!
I wish my crochet project was a mobius strip 🎶🎵🎶
I accidentally made a Mobius strip while crocheting my mini skirt. I'm so cooked, like how did I even do this?