NVIDIA RTX 3050 announcement + NVIDIA Q&A + RTX 3080Ti FE giveaway
Found in Brooklyn
Mapped: The world’s coal power plants in 2020
This isn't a toy. This is a real gun seized during a North Carolina drug bust.
"Order a man to hand his child over to the state. Not while I'm his captain" - Captain Picard
"If this ends up on YouTube, I will personally sue your ass!"
You have been visited by the incredibly rare shiny Rask of puck stopping. 1.00SV% and good comebacks will come our way, but only if you comment “Save on, Rask” in 40.00 seconds
When youtube recommends only one channel's videos
Its pro time!
no, we don't have any fire sticks in stock
Her face fits in the dish perfectly
I found a pic of my dad burning one
(x-post r/interestingasfuck) was told to post this here for "ambient noise" in games. It's a website I found that archives a bunch of old radio shows from the 30's 40's and 50's.
Old tree.
Cool website I just found. They archive tons of different old radio shows from the 30's 40's and 50's
Official GDT: Bruins @ Carolina 12/23/2016 7:30PM EST
Scene kid has never heard of earbuds
My First Car (1980)
MFW a top post of all time in /r/all is from subredditsimulator shaming feminists.
What in the Good Gosh Darn do we have here?[New Jersey, USA]
Being 100% sober is literally not healthy for me (a rant)
I recently acquired a ~1980 Kawasaki KE 100 and am looking for some advice on how to get this thing running!
How many of them do you have?
My dad assessing the damage to his demolition derby car, 1973. He proposed to my mom while driving to this derby (in his other car, 1972 Nova).
"Larry" Sonntag ladies and gentlemen