How are you finding the nerf?
Is Plat the new Diamond?
Is inspire uptime the best stat that separates good from average Brigittes?
Favorite sad Kings of Leon song?
If you have listened to their entire discography, I don’t think it’s too bold to say ‘When You See Yourself’ is a top 3 Album
Why have I been listening to Mountain Child on repeat the last few weeks
I Love playing brig
How solid is one tricking brig in season 11?
what is the best song from marauder?
Anyone feeling like Brig is getting nerfed soon?
Finally Hit Top 500 on Console!
Is Brig OP?
Might be my worst season yet
How is Brig in higher ranks? Is she good, or situational?
What’s the goal for inspire up time?
We made it fellas!
Some thoughts after watching some Brig guides
Best map for brig
Does anyone else feel like Winston counters Brig?
Brigitte basics?
Hanging on by the tip of my...
What's Masters/GM supposed to feel like?
Hot take
Why I enjoy playing brig
Weekly wins!