Not sure why I got this but…
We know what's coming
Boomer coworker posted this. Thought it fit here.
Insane Boomer relative comments on my Facebook post and my comments are removed(?)
Legalize prayer yo, he’s a victim!🤪
They need your help, lol!
It's happening
CT Police salaries are out of control
Paranoid boomer boobytraps his driveway
My boomer boss just learned tariff applied to him too and he'd mad
Cut off my mom
Posted by a Boomer in a local FB group
Look at this guy out in the wild
Mom is a Nazi apologist
Sent to me by a boomer relative. The lack of awareness is astounding.
Today is the day folks!
Stopped by my mom's house and she was lecturing my wife about buying American
Thoughts on the new rear end adhesive to my means of transport..?
Don’t Think They’re Getting In
Pure blood
I love this one so much lol
Should Trump Robert Budd Dwyer himself?
Hello! I need suggestions on the best household ingredients to use to make waste cooking oil into a solidified state that is water-insoluble, non-toxic, and heat-resistant.
Sigh from my running group.
JFK standing outdoors at his inauguration in 22 degree weather without an overcoat.