Turns out the charge blade is much more fun than expected!
Jesus fucking Christ just end this manga
Update on all-in-one book
Whats the quickest you’ve ever dnf’d a book?
My friend is experiencing Borrasca
Favorite example of this?
Someone’s gonna get offended by this I swear
What Weapon should I use?
Thoughts on what James took from him?
What is the name of your first horse?
are his legs really short or am i tripping
What should I read next?!
We've had one nova, yes. What about the second nova?
Who’s the drippiest anime character iyo?
Tommy is the exact person people have claimed Dream to be
Yoshiyuki Illustration colored by me(@ikenewtown)
Who’s your favorite character with different colored hair?
Whats that insanely loved Anime you just couldn't get into?
Tell me your favorite anime trope
Who here agrees?
First time playing a MH game, it makes me so satisfied to get such awesome armor that I can mix and match
Name a better anime opening sequence
What anime is this?
Salad mixed with a banana and 2 cans of tuna