Need Advice: Feeling Insulted After Interview Feedback – Red Flag or Overthinking?
Is a short interview generally a good or bad sign?
Apple- Nver interview
US Commerce secretary nominee accuses Korea, Japan of having 'taken advantage of' America's 'good nature'
Living in a society with the risk of danger and violence, but with financial opportunity, is better than living in a peaceful utopia where everyone is equal.
Crab Spider in the yard
Year 2000 was the the peak of Western civilization
Interview was scheduled for 6am, advice?
Resume Rejected 300+ Times
Sex is not the answer to all our problems
Nobody owes you their time, response, or respect, but it's also okay if that's the reason you cut them off.
Cannot ever shake off anxiousness, hate my voice and always get words jumbled up.
"Looking for a Comprehensive Guide to Learning Digital Marketing"
Interviewed for a position where I was told it will be 3ish weeks before any decisions made. It’s been 3 weeks. Follow up email or no?
I’m losing hope
Had an interview the other day and froze up a couple of times what can I do to work on this?
Nervous before interviews
What is something that is really weird or strange, but is just socially accepted as "the norm" by most people?
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez explains why democrats lost the election
Anyone pivoted to data analytics career after recruitment?
What kind of mental health issues does Elon Musk actually suffer?
what is the most fuck up thing you have seen?
What free things should all take advantage of?
What is your tip for a quick promotion in your job?