Just got her on Thursday. Fucking love it!!
What car would you buy from the year of your birth. Buick Grand National for me.
Bulk, cut, maintain?
genuinely don’t know what i look like to other ppl haha f18
Thoughts? How does the beard affect my image?
How does the beard change your perception of me?
Critique me please. What can I improve?
Mint Leg Centipede Cleaning & Caring For Her Babies!
Got a fade after taking advice on here. Looking good?
How old do you think I am?
TRT even with normal T levels?
Post PCT bloodwork. Low estradiol? Need some trained eyes
M37. Anything I can change?
4 months after coming off a cycle of Test E and anavar. Did a proper PCT. Test is on the lower side of what I’m used to seeing and my estradiol is low? What could be the cause?
How old do you think?
37M. Opinions. Anything I can work on?
37M. How hot am I?
Thoughts? LH is high and Vitamin D is too. This is 3 weeks after last dose of clomid. PCT was 6 weeks after coming off 250mg/wk test for 6 months. Ran Deca 250mg/wk during cycle and anavar.
What should I do different? Been told my hairstyle makes me look much older (I’m 37)
M37, smash or pass?
Anything I can do to improve my appearance?
Honest opinion.
37M, 6’2 and muscular. Am I ugly? Only get hit on by old women
M37, how do I look?