FCM 2C, a tank that was stuck in dev hell for over 13 years, is finally releasing
Upcoming bond shop tanks
My honest opinion on the Turchaninov (KV enjoyer)
Japanese t9 premium
At least French spam is still more interesting than Soviet/Chinese heavy spam
The Historical Accuracy of every tank in the game
Whats your least favorite tank?
Ansaldo GL 203 - I want this beast in the game
Gimmick spam is the new Russian & Chinese spam
THEORY - 2nd Japanese heavy line shuffle (Chi-Se almost made it)
There is a certain thing I'd like to point out. The regular tanks... where are they?
What tech tree line is fun/worth grinding in your opinion?
Next auction tank !
Supertest: CS-53/56 Wojtek and Czołg P wz. 46
Black Market's first offer leaked. Buffed Type 5 Heavy.
Ruminations on the OP-ness of the XM57
Type 71 after buffs
Type 5 Heavy anyone?
Next era hulldown monstrosities begins today
Got bored. So I decided to challenge myself to remake german tech tree by putting all of german tanks into it. Here is the result. If you like it, I will do this for other nations.
FV229 Contender has a better stock turret
Meanwhile at lesta (old RU server). Gameplay from new line of flamethrower heavy tanks. Its toxic and bad. So please wargaming dont add this to EU and NA.
Hmm I wonder what is the most anticipated tank to get buffs next-
How Do You Feel About World of Tanks Future Heading Into 2025?
Japanese Heavy Line?