What do you have for lunch when you WFH?
What is this big hairy fella?
Trying to get 'stonehall savior' achievement.. so close
Father in law purchased this at an auction 20 years ago in Australia - any ideas?
Check your testosterone levels periodically after surgery
Landlord wants to charge for cleaning air-con unit - fair?
Market Open thread for General Trading and Plans for Thursday, August 11, 2022
An itch arises during a meditation session. What do you do?
2022 State of Origin : Game III | Post Match Discussion Thread
Gynecomastia (sore nipples pre/post treament)
Raiz vs Spaceship under current fee structures. Are any worth it?
Looking for info on Teratoma
What's wrong with my monstera?
For those who meditate in the mornings, when do you do it?
Rate of tumour marker decline during chemo
How long after chemo should I be back to normal?
COVID after Bleomycin (BEP chemotherapy)
CT scans after chemotherapy - how often?
Changes to life/career after cancer
HGC normal, AFP high at 12 (normal range ends at 8). I’m on my last week of my first round of chemo, how concerned should I be that my AFP is still abnormal?
Premarket Thread for General Trading and Plans for Thursday, June 10, 2021
Concerned again with my urologist, making me wait three weeks after orchiectomy to refer me for a ct scan. What would you do?
Raynauds Syndrome Questions (fingers turn white in the cold)
Any information on long term survival rates? (10+ years)