Meanwhile, Russia kidnaps Ukrainian children and has them raised by Russian parents...
The system is broken and must be fixed vs The system is working and most be destroyed...
ULPT…. 5-bullet email for feds
This is your sign to unsubscribe from every non-essential subscription.
Fit from last night, got kicked out of a mall bc of my jacket lol
ULPT: what are the unhealthiest ways people can lose weight
dot tell me you hate hardcore if you havent been to $5 basement powerviolence shows
pie recip
EDM is just noise, not music.
Buy used cars and drive them till they die
ULPT Request - Tips for a fascist business owner
nobody:........................................................................................ birds at 4am for some reason:
birds at 4am
unethical life protip: dont egg someones house in this economy; use sourdough starter. smells like rot and hardens like concrete.
desktop firefox reddit is unusably laggy. some things (like reports) will take minutes to load. i get typing lag that makes it hard to type accurately. i was able to type this whole sentance before the first word was rendered.
ULPT: how can I protect myself from my neighbours dog without pissing them off or getting the creature put down?
Most underrated dumbphone Nokia Lumia 735.
Cops should use e-bikes in dense cities instead of cars!
Who buys this shit?
Why do men feel like they have to prove their masculinity?
Intelligent design is bullshit and I can prove it
inteligent desgn? more like moron design!