Here are some things I grew up with. Guess my birth-year!
Estimate on 4 steak tacos from a taco truck?
Does Japan have any baddies?
Lowest WAR players that received MVP votes?
Lowest WAR players that got MVP votes?
any recommendations?
Name your favorite character
Your favorite 80 grade power, 20 grade everything else players
Why does the WNBA appear less polished than the NBA — is it physical limitations or differences in competition?
Are you able to finish a bottle of wine by yourself in one night?
Drainer version?
What songs you guys think are like this ?
What would your walkup song be?
Shohei Ohtani recently shot a commercial for FamilyMart convenience store onigiri in Japan. Ohtani reportedly skipped lunch before the shoot so he could eat 19 onigiri while on set. He liked them so much that he brought some home.
Are skinny/healthy weight people just not as hungry as people who struggle with obesity?
What does Burleson do so well that warrants 600 PAs a year?
I never know how many sprays to do
Verdant Reverie : My second creation for the Spring.
What 1 player would you choose to never get injured?
Senga and Darvish via Kodai's instagram
Man on the plane asked what perfume I’m wearing
Songs that tell stories about criminals
Question from show "Single's Inferno"
How does anyone have time to not cheat?
High sex drive
Nuclear hot take on Reddit