Fungoida Bullarum (disturbing) ASMR
Close binary relative to body size (Orbit: 1 957km, Radius: 824km) Non-locked Body with Fast Rotation (Period: 6.5 hours) - could be something like this possible in real space?
This reddit will live on with us
Star Citizen is a Game Being Played by One Person…
Little Disheartened with Exploration
Don't do it.
čo sa stalo so žltými (airsoftovými) guličkami, čo boli všade po zemi?
Q1 2025 Option
361 million credits from one (1) planet. Exobiology is ridiculous.
Tipy & triky na tvorbu CV
dobry den, dnes som s hubarmi hral "hubar, nehnevaj sa" ale ked sa nikto nepozeral tak bulo vymenil svoje hriby za skibidi gigamajak a vyhlasil sach mat. co teraz, ako sa da branit tomuto tahu?
Where Giants Keep Watch
Guys, I have issues! lol
Tell me what I'm doing wrong here.
Why are you single?
Máte nejaké odkazy na videá a články čo poslať rodičom, ktorí padajú do proruského internetu?
Nemá niekot obrázok/názov slovenských čipsov čo vyzerajú takto?
Rant o našom zdravotníctve
Trump will fix it.
What are you planning on doing with colonization?
Ako vnímate ŠPZ z iných miest na SK?
I hate exobiology
This neutron star has more mass than the star behind it: Neutron star (0.5234 solar masses, 8,607,323 K) vs. M star (0.3633 solar masses, 2,961 K). Probably nothing special, but it boggles my mind.
I have this strange transitions between different parts of the skybox. It looks quite ugly and nothing I change in settings seems to work. Is it normal? Everything else in the game looks amazing.