Ceased Director: Chris Wilson (21/01/2025)
Update on Path of Exile 1
GGG, Please Make Sentinel + Kalandra Flashback longer
Almost 2k rank TOTA char gone.
MoneyPrinting is here
imexile / Ben Clear all Ubers minus Cortex in under 13 hours in Sabaton
3.18 Sentinel League - Cute Wallpaper & Emotes (Fanart)
Currency Stash Tab Reworked
3.17 Updated Betrayal cheat sheet
Path of Exile: Archnemesis Challenge Rewards
A mockup pitch for how alternative loot stacking systems could work
My New Minimalist Hideout
20 Users Banned for Exploit Abuse
RIP Servers
Path of Exile April Expansion Teaser
Twitch Viewers: 298K
3.13 Launch Delayed until January
Maw of Mischief Chieftain - T16 Minotaur Mapping
Today's Hotfix for Heist
Leveling spell marauder?
The sky, the land, the people burned
No gems for ignite chieftain in early acts
New gem / quest rewards info?
Alternate Quality Gems in Path of Exile: Heist
New and Reworked Classic Spells & Steel Skills in Path of Exile: Heist