Hüpoteetiline stsenaarium
Name this band
I don't know why I can't slow down in a new playthrough
This game caused me to upgrade systems 3 times
My hands glowing blue under UV
What game demos did you play the hell out of in the past?
Need Help Labeling My DnD Campaign Map – Running Out of Space & Empty Areas
21 aastat Keskerakonna liige olnud Taavi Aas liitus Isamaaga. "Mul on hea tulla erakonda, kus on ees head tuttavad, kellega oleme olnud koos valitsuses ja ajanud asju riigikogus. Isamaal on tegus meeskond ja ma usun, et koos saame teha suuri tegusid."
Ashlands made me & my partner give up on the game
Intercontinental Bridge on Stilts. __ ~15m above MSL. __ Total distance covered is 480m to 534m. __ 4 different parts. __ Build mostly(*) in standard vanilla-ish survival.
Remarkable vs Kindle Scribe
Which powerbank option is better?
Three words says it all
Non-Gamer Wife Conundrum
My update on the baron bug, an infinite armies. its impossible to win such fight,,,,?
With the apparent failure of Veilguard, here's a reminder of EA's history of acquisitions
Kuidas tõlkida "felon" või "felony"? Just et mitte niisama kurjategia - et mis sõna kohtus ametlikult kasutaks? Kas "felony" on pigem väärtegu või kriminaalasi?
[OC] I made my own version of a WoW Map of the USA!
I mean i already suck at writing characters, making them even more complex wouldn't help
Was looking through random cards and i saw this flavor text, who tf is Herala
Who wins and why?
looking for a game to help with severe depression
Welp, I did it. I burned myself out. (Legendary armor)
Is the term “night elf” trademarked by Blizzard?
What game is it?