Hegseth orders Cyber Command to stand down on Russia planning
Exclusive: Hegseth orders Cyber Command to stand down on Russia planning
Why does everyone here think AI is a bubble?
Is Tesla going down and staying there?
Odroid H4 died in less than 2 months
From SPA Fever to Hybrid Harmony: How Inertia Lets You Have Your Rails Cake and Eat It Too 🚂
Плануємо робити ремонт в будинку. І виникла суперечка щодо того, щоб всюди класти плитку під теплу підлогу. Я проти, щоб і в кімнатах і всюди була плитка. Можливо у вас є порада, що краще?
Wanted something better than GA4, made it myself in 21 months.
Concern on getting Mac OS 15
The End of Programming as We Know It
1200W heat dissipation on 240mm rad
I embedded GPT to stop wasting time on Youtube
180-Mile EVs Are 'The Future' Says Lucid CEO, And He's Right
What are some must have options for taycan?
Taycan Europe (with 220v), what is your home charging looks like?
Dear Web Devs: Why?
Lian Li A4 H20 frontal panel for 140mm rad
Do not follow the herd
How has Cursor AI / GH Copilot's recent features improved your team?
Zed Editor and Elixir
Is it safe for foreigners to drive around Lviv/western Ukraine?
Torn between Rubymine and Cursor / VSCode
For those of you using Let's Encrypt: the certificate expiration emails will stop on June 4, 2025
An Idea to Make API Hacking Much Harder
So this happened today