Eldryon - to invest or not to invest, that's basically my question.
Solo self staff of herding suckage
Feeling squishy as DH impale
I keep dying in Hardcore and I need to not die
New code
Solo play - fastest gr clear build for necro in season 34
Latest pull
This might be one of the worst drops ever
New Survery (til Squig event ends) 300BS for completing it.
Guild credits - Is Ragnar worth it at 525 for 2 shards?
Abraxus- is it worth farming his shards from the boss battle
Ulf and akzor?
Maugan Ra
Re'Vas - should i level both of his abilities?
Thinking about changing Guilds
My best pull ever.
How should I build this guy?
A different take on the build a bro question....
First Hedge Knight - build help required
Aleph - Null or Eldryon
2 new codes out today! ✌🏼
good enough for dagger bro?
Mini rant
3 new codes today 😭