Currently raging at my year 9 self
Your really starting to piss me off is so boring now that I quit it without realising
Soo who's the "uhh.... what's your name again?" character
What existed in 1994 but not in 2024?
seen this going around:
best gaming mouse?
/r/MechanicalKeyboards Ask ANY Keyboard question, get an answer (October 02, 2024)
best creamy keyboards
Okay so who is made to be hated?
new edit i posted 👍🏽
How to find people to stream with
Me and my gf were born on the same day, but she was born in the evening and i was born in the morning. Is this pedophilia?
any 80s-00s movies about two close guy friends?
head or heart?
What were your thoughts when you saw this scene for the first time?
how do i take care of my self at 16?
what would you have?
what are major storylines for each character?
is there a time where meredith looks after alex?
Which Episodes Cause you to get Dust in Your Eyes
The hot One?
what did castle mean by “because youre tall” 2x13
Some of Deans best quotes.
You have to replace one item in a movie scene with a dildo, which item and scene are you altering?