Did an Israeli Iron Dome missile cause the Majdal Shams massacre?
am i cool now?
In your opinion, who are the worst NON-Balkan tourists?
לצערנו זה המצב:
What are your top 5 metal bands?
Who are the best metal drummers?
Tell me you're a Linkin Park fan without telling me you're a Linkin Park fan
What do you listen to beside Linkin park?
What was the first Metallica song you listened to
Which artist takes up the most space on your shelf?
well, my drawing is not good i guess lol
What the saddest Metallica song on your opinion
Favorite song from this Album?
People in their 30s are not OLD. People in their 30s are YOUNG
Why is my hybrid theory CD pink??
What do you think AJFA would have sounded like if Cliff had lived?!?
Noam Chomsky: Israel’s Actions in Palestine are “Much Worse Than Apartheid” in South Africa (2014)
Best cover of “Garage Inc.”?
Paying Tribute
Your top five favorite track(s) off of From Zero?
Ktulu or Orion?
What do you think of "My Friend Of Misery"?
What's YOUR favorite album
What the actual fuck has happened to Deftone's wikipedia page?
People always ask "What's the best album opener?" "What's the best album ender?", and questions like that. Here's a new one: What's the best third song off of a Metallica album?