Do you avoid, or use “high brow” vocabulary when you write?
Is 14 too old to become a writer?
Are there good examples of how to write a sex scene in literature?
Scene About a Woman Being Catcalled in the Supermarket! or, Adventures in Method Writing
Buy my book! It's amaze-balls.
6 pages a day??
Help identify this spider.
How do you decide what story to write?
which do you think is more important, good story or good writing?
Types of people you hate
For fun… what song would you love to turn into a novel
Don't do it
Writers, how is your posture?
Have ADHD Meds Impeded Your Flow of Creativity?
I've been reading this book wondering how it got published because the MC is such a Mary Sue
What song would you love to turn into a novel?
"About the author": Do readers actually want to know about the author?
Is Cozy Horror Anything?
Heckle and Chide
How do you treat books / want yours to be treated?
Is it weird for a story to be written in Texan English if it takes place in medieval France?
Write my book for me. Top comment decides what happens next (day 12)
Another author pens novels under my name. What should I do?
Am I simply fucked?
How Many of You Have Been Published?