Chat is this real?
I'm looking for games that have amazing writing (story, characters, worldbuilding, pacing, theme, etc) and gameplay (interesting game loop, intricate gameplay, etc)
Do you think Siege Mining would be a viable mechanic in a Total War game?
Thoughts on the HRE envoy Liutprand of Cremona’s absolutely scathing report of Basilieus Nikephoros II Phokas’ hospitality
Total war Attila:Guy who wear sock on their head
The lines in Xiao's arc are talked about way too little
What was the ratio of comitatenses to limitanei in the fourth century?
Roman commanders tier list by how much they are remembered or bought up in conversation today
“Byzantine Empire” isn’t a proper term, in my dictionary it’s just an abbreviation for “The Rome Empire after the fall of the West”
So, who the hell was she?
The Eve of White Nights & Dark Days
What opinion about Rome has you like this?
Historical total war, I used think of you as a downgrade and I was wrong, I apologise.
Principate vs Dominate
In Roman Times, armies would get into formation, not fight, skirmish, set up camp, mirror eachother, why didn’t a force just attack?
Han empire vs Late Roman empire would win?
Its true and I will absolutely die on this hill
Tier list of all emperors till Basileios II
Dante may be Abaddon, the Falling Star
For the glory of the Empire
Very good Benjamin comic
A very painstaking ranking of every roman emperor including usurpers and Byzantine Emperors (No HRE though) by me. Its just my opinion but I feel pretty secure with it but I'm sure I could be moved in one direction or the other for several of them given just how many there are.
Question regarding Hubble Space Telescope.
Pop history and its consequences