I dreamed of a friend getting kidnapped. I, however, didnt care as i could just buy a new one off of ebay. I recreated it to my best abilities.
In a hypothetical Mario 3D game, you have to choose to play with one of those 4 characters with their respective disabilities, which one do you choose?
Looking for a kext
Any tips for my setup?
What movie is the best sequel of all time?
Weird occurance with a villager of mine
mario 64
What Doctors would make a great pair-up episode?
[Request] What would happen? Could we survive this?
[Requests] What would happen? Could we survive this?
This is actually insane
Best DS to get in 2025?
ayone know the game or level which is enclosed between tall gray stone brick wall. its a straight corridor with round white round ghosties and lots of green bushes. perhaps it was a mod? or did i just dream? i made similar level in sims.
Is Ashoka worth watching for me?
Officially retiring as an LLB creator.
You voted Rose as BEST FOR BEGINNERS, but now the end has come. What story would suit this final goodbye? What Dr. Who story is WHERE THE SHOW SHOULD'VE ENDED?
Are There Any Super Mario 64 Modders Here That Could Replace Mario With A Custom Model?
This is a war crime
Powerbank for wireless charging?
Disney calls Dr Who "a top 5 series on Disney+ globally every week it aired" & a "one of the biggest programmes for the [under 35's] demographic across all streamers and broadcasters"
Nothing 3a pro camera redesign - someone had to do it
Book 20’s cover. They’ll release more info and a higher quality version tomorrow