Age 25 really does feel like the deadline
What's your main reason for going minimal?
Another sad ending
It’s that time of year. NYE is nearly here.
Do you think it was predestined that you would become FA?
Is anyone else here scared of women?
Do you also have no friends?
Clubbing with my attractive friends is a brutal reality check
"Don't worry you'll find someone soon!"
Was anyone else an internet addict before smartphones became widespread?
Is watching TV/Movies/Shows as bad as endlessly surfing the web?
Ist es zu spät?
Where should I learn to skate as an introvert?
other options?
Going with no phone occasionally during the week?
What is your least favorite german word?
Mein 14 Jahre altes Prachtstück
Wenn du zu einem Gesetz eine Volksabstimmung durchführen lassen könntest, welches wäre es?
Wofür schämt ihr euch?
Was hat man euch früher als Kind/Jugendlicher immer über das Leben und eure Zukunft erzählt, was sich später im Leben als Lüge oder komplett falsch herausstellte?
Erhaltet ihre eure Lokale Kultur (Dialekt Sitten etc.) oder denkt ihr diese wird immer mehr verschwinden?
Should your first skating experiences be alone?
10+ year old skateboard as a beginner?
as a kid, what did you think you’d definitely get as an adult that you never did?
Was sind Sachen oder Dinge von der alle Leute begeistert sind und du kannst nicht verstehen wieso?