Eu tenho 22
Remember to have fun
Afinal, o que é a felicidade hoje?
Não, Deus não existe!
Saindo do "armário ateu"
Morals = Not a Nihilist?
Who is you favorite nihilist?
Uma semana sem comer carne!
New year, new hair ! What do you think ? 👀
What 1 year of HRT did to me. 😺
How is it to be sexuality you have? Just curious! :))
Quais bandas você descobriu recentemente e ficou viciado?
What’s the one random genetic trait you lucked out on?
Every day I learn new things about myself.
Dealing with Loneliness
Você acaba de acordar, até que..
[Vent] I'm pretty sure I'm ace but I'm not too sure. My experience is really complicated
Me very simple advice:
Is hope just as bad as faith and religion?
How do I get smarter?
How can we stop/eradicate sexual assault and even pedofiles?