Interesting from JTs girlfriend about Venita 😬
Why are my tomatoes dark on the inside?
Shep’s full text message to Sienna. (This makes me feel better about all the cringy things I did for women when I was younger)
This girl was wrong for this one!! Producers definitely knew what they were doing.
Carl Still Angry with Lindsay
Stokke Tripp Trapp help!
Bronwyn Exposed Her Baby Daddy all by herself
Victoria apologizes for previous post
I think I hate Bronwyn after last night’s episode
Tyler finally speaks out
Bronwyn's ring stack
Bronwyn age
I think she has gone too far with the injectables
Do you guys think Schwartz slept with Raquel as well
I am so sad the baby phase is over.
Emma Posts The Receipts
Lala’s “Baby S” name
Did Lisa know about Tom & Rachel before everyone else
Looking for nail salon recs
New parent mixed emotions
Anyone else think Joe was the one who broke up with Taylor?
Did Naomi stay with Craig longer just to keep her spot on the show?
My family is chewing itself apart over a name for our new puppy. It’s between Otis or Winston, please decide for us!
I just watched the newest episode. My takeaways…
Britney Spears insta