[Gen 3] Imagine hunting a Shiny for months just to have the Battle Tower NPCs whip out their own Shinies the following days...
[Gen 1] Went through the generations to catch some Mewtwos :)
[Gen 8] I didn't want Magmar anyways.
[Gen 8] I was just waiting for an STD to spawn...
[Gen 3] I was just resetting for a modest nature and found a shiny in 10 resets... also added a little Eeveelution showcase, cause they are pretty interesting in XD :)
[Gen 9] Didn't know how much I needed marks until they were here
[Gen 9] Area Zero Three-Segment Dudunsparce in every Apricorn Ball after 722 evolved. :)
[Gen 8] Anyone like letters?
[Gen 9] Got the smallest possible shiny Espeon and biggest possible shiny Umbreon pretty quick today. Happy Eeveekend!
[Gen 9] Caught the biggest and smallest possible Wiglett for scientific purposes
[Gen 8] After roughly 400 hours in the den...
[Gen 9] The very first Poltchageist I encounter turns out to be a shiny...
[Gen 4] Not the most recent pic but one of my favorite parts of my collection. This took about 160k seen and 350 hours of single hunting.
[Gen 9] THE ONE MAUS IS REAL after 459 phases and 361 maus checked
[Gen 9] Shiny Maushold Family of Three is Finally Here After 495 Evolved!