[General] From the shores through the ancient mist, you bear the mark of my elven kiss. Clear the way, I will take you home to eternal bliss! Sha ta co ti oh scum ne rivna! Sha ta co ti oh nugga tir na nog! (Day 212 of Family Feud otome edition)
[General] Become a flower! Come on, smile nihilistically! Your face makes me tremble, my eyes can't look away! Taste it. Your poison is my medicine. I'll wrap it up for you, so smile! (Day 211 of Family Feud otome edition)
[General] I've been hearing symphonies. Before, all I heard was silence. A rhapsody for you and me, and every melody is timeless. Life was stringing me along, then you came and cut me loose. Was solo, singing on my own. Now, I can't find the key without you. (Day 198 of Family Feud otome edition)
Looking for a Fanfic
Biggest Game Requests for 2025
If I see one more candle-laden branch I will SCREAM
Rook in more than 6 inches of water
[General] Welcome to Day 132 of Family Feud otome edition where we drop THE question to end all questions.
Realistically, who do u most see urself dating irl?
I think I have a sorta hot take...
[DAV ACT 1 SPOILERS] Should have been called the "Toxic One"
Tash is actually a well written character, just people not realizing the role.
3 of the Konoha 12 gets a spinoff. Who do you choose?
Connor x Allison
Well...she doesn't look quite so smug.
[No DAV Spoilers] Y’all can have Lucanis and Davrin, I really want to romance -
[Dav spoilers all] Lucanis Romance Feedback Masterpost
Does anyone else find Taash’s negativity exhausting?
[General] Another day of FF, another day of questioning why the mods aren't all over me for these titles on Day 118 of Family Feud otome edition (No, I don't mind it all, it's just a joke- wAit, stop aaaaah--!!)
MAJOR SPOILERS - will you replay?
[No DAV Spoilers] In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. On Halloween, Pumpkins.
Bloom and Jack Frost cosplay
[No DAV Spoilers] Who are you planning to romance in The Veilguard?
[No DAV Spoilers] Veilguard pumpkin by my husband, Dread Wolf pumpkin by me!