Do you guys have a Pro Golfer you aren’t a big fan of, and why not?
I need some help on the mental game to break 80
Returning a Club Resulted in a Winning Putt.
My (25M) first 4 months of playing golf have been wildly disheartening, but all the practice is finally starting to pay off!
What are your dream irons
Would You Rather Be Able To...
I’m a full grown idiot
Hey, I just got back to playing the game on a new console with completely new saves so I need people to help with the harder PVE content.
I really do have a habit of hitting it off with woman who aren’t available.
Is it bad that I(27M) have never been in a relationship?
How many people have you had sex with?
Do men prefer women with smaller or larger breasts?
I got cheated
Bf broke up with me because of my boob size?????
Want a bf
Is Golftown a good place to get fit.
Scotty Giveaway