My BF missed the prom episode- where can I find Alex crying scene
LOL! Kody’s cameo showing hair products!
Kody WAS a good dad (pre/beginning-Robyn), right?
Ok ok go easy… was Robyn REALLY that bad?
Does Christine bother anyone else?
How much ($) do you think each (ex)wife has tied up in CP?
I couldn’t swaddle if my life depended on it. Tips?
Did your first born meet newborn at hospital or wait at home?
Birth control for teen
Figured out a way to get $25 entrees for $10
Honestly baffling this still happens
Baby girl names
Kids are dumb
Is everyone on baby/parenting subs rich?!?
What kind of bottle should my 12 month be using?
Does your s/o go to your prenatal appts?
Is this normal for a teen boy?
Our daughter is ready for preschool, and I start a new job. But there’s a big issue.
AIO? I found out I have rare cancer and this was my mom’s response
My baby is missing a kidney
Baby shows a hyperechoic left kidney
Pregnant - Ultrasound shows baby has a Hyperechoic left kidney
Do you really throw milk from bottles after one hour ?