Which body type is more attractive in women? (In general vs social media)
Mary is the Worst, Right?
Reopening the subreddit so everyone can post. No posting her onlyfans content as it will get the subreddit taken down. If you want in the discord server just comment under this post or DM me
Baron's Bounty Loading Error
Anyone else reward your models with Trophies?
Sharpening the Judicair sword yay or nay?
How to avoid hobby burnout?
Give me a list of your top 5 models of all time
I'm finding 10th too complicated as a longtime casual player.
The Space Slann have their first Kroxigor
Can these guys see those guys?
Got a box of 3 old space marines. Choose 3 chapters that I should paint.
If you had to invade a planet and cause maximum damage without just using exterminatus which legion or successor would you send? And why?
What solo games have you played for the most hours?
Welcome to the pharmacy. You have 10$
Potential trafficker at my gym