Now that Cataclysm is nearing its end, what's everyone's thoughts and opinions on the expansion, especially from those who never played it?
Exploit early exploit often
Friendly reminder to everyone on a PVP server
Why did Blizzard create a internal test environment for WOTLK
Was a sad thing to hear over discord while raiding MC
What killed SOD for you?
Anyone else think the gap between Dragon Soul and MoP release is too big?
wow classic cata - hunter question
Impressions from Firelands week 1?
Dragonwrath Acquisition Rate Adjustments - During a 12 week period a 25 man group can expect to create 7-11.5 legendary staves assuming they kill all 7 bosses each week.
Dragonwrath Acquisition Rate Adjusted Further - Cataclysm Classic
New to classic, I need a raid server recommendation
Fury Warrior DPS
What's up with Mankrik?
Increase 10 man loot by +1
SOD: What server to start?
Fellow Tanks: Does It Bother You When Other People Pull?
Upcoming Darkmoon Faire and Valor Points Changes - Cataclysm Classic Discussion
Heroic Magmaw glitched beyond belief?
Mankirk vs faerlina
Why/since when are all cata servers mono faction?
Cata raiding
With Cataclysm going full tomorrow, how did Wrath compare to your expectations of what it would be?
I quit