AMD, Don’t Screw This Up
28 hours to go for the AMD reveal event - Bets on pricing, performance, features, and other cards apart from the 9070 series ("one more thing?") - Leave it at the comments :)
Some benchmark numbers for you... 9070 (both XT and non XT)
Rtx 50
Are FWs higher than 9.00 better in terms of exploit?
is the rx 5600 real?
Swapping 7900 XTX
Que consumos são estes!?
9070 XT price on Microcenter
9070 Pricing spotted Micro Center
Radeon Rx 9070 XT prices Slovakia
Esclerose Múltipla - motivo para fugir?
What's with all the negativity? 649 for XTX raster and 20% more RT is "bad" now?!
9070 XT VS 7900 XTX
Erro MY DIGI - Quase 2TB de dados (valor real ronda 100GB, cartão em router) - cartão de telemóvel também com 1,82TB, quando gastei cerca de 10GB, apenas. Ambos funcionam bem, velocidade normal. Mais alguém?
Cancelei a Meo, mas…
Porque é que as pessoas falam em português e aplicam termos em inglês no meio das frases?
Velocidade DIGI Pro
AMOK was released on this day in 2013. what's your favorite track?
Reminder: Both the RX 9070 & 9070 XT reviews embargo will release on the same day.
AMD teases Radeon RX 9070 focusing on sub-$700 price point
I build guitars for a living, but I’m terrible at marketing. What genre do you think this instrument is for?
9070XT can overclock really well! 8-10% more performance at the cost of 50-65W! ABOVE 5080 with OC
Leaked benchmarks put 9070XT close to 5080?... AMD in high end after all ;)