150+ days clean and I still can't trust my eyes (or feelings on my skin)
what is her morph?
Hello patients
How many leopard geckos do you have?
Do you feel like you are actually really dumb?
Help! My gecko’s hunting me
i wanna take dph again but im scared
If someone had cared, I don't think I would've done DPH for so long
I like to reread my dph diary occasionally and it still surprises me every time
Why do you people keep taking dph if its so bad
Is there any way me and my friend can play together?
Genuine question and no hate towards to you guys
DPH is crazy
18 for my 18th
How to get over gecko bite trauma
He wouldn’t survive in the wild 😭
128 days clean on 12/8
Anyone able to help me on this one?
This exact moment, 5 years ago "12/08/2019 3:14 am" we lost u forever 💔u my whole wide wrld, miss u
Well, it's my Birthday...
Mouse or Rat?
The Party Never Ends Cover Found In Fortnite Files
It's My Happy 100th
I'm 88 days clean now, but...
tried opiates. nothing beats this, how fucked am i?