Music industry for 30 years. Dont worry about it.
It’s my bday
lost 15k of XRP
I think I love Westside Gunn
Music Reflection
Believe me, FUCK YOU
AIO for not trusting my wife?
I gotta admit
You guys need to realize something about Intel...
[Gleeman] Rocco Baldelli, when asked about if he was bothered by fans booing the team and chanting for him to be fired
Why this nigga hates everything?
[Bailey] A Twins fan with a “Defund the Pohlads” sign alleges he was kicked out and banned for a year from Target Field
Huge fan
Kevin Garnett comments on the statement made by Anthony Edwards
Dear Pohlads: Don't Do This
UFO Story
Ken signed my tee last night in Austin 🦇
Spurs trade?!?
Perfect draft incoming?
Got my JJ jersey!
Wolves Back T Shirts Out Now!!!!
Episode 4 out now