How would I free hand a dragon in this
How would I free hand a dragon onto this
How to do volcanic world themed guard
Favourite regiment?
What is a good hobbyist printer?
What 3D printers should I get?
After 5 months in the hobby i have shed blood for it. Does this mean Khorne is calling me? Should i get a commissar?
Tips for playing Militia army?
Took a month but finally finished the first Kasrkin squad
The wave is coming
From Knife-Ear betrayals to becoming the unwilling Warmaster of a Reclamation Crusade, Lord General Sturnn just wants a hot cup of Recaff and an "early" retirement
Can anyone help with choosing paint for a similar colour scheme to the tank below?
I need some advice for a new painter. (Old cadian castellon sculpt)
What is the rule of thumb for doing kit bashes or proxy models?
Ursula Creed Proxy - Heresy Detected
**Giveaway** 2 10th Ed Codex Codes
Thought on this cadian castellon? (Unfinished paint job)
Suitable cadian Castillon stand in? (Not done painting)
Thoughts on this list
Army building question
[H] Space Marines [W] astra militarum / PayPal [Loc] US, Minnesota.
[US, Minnesota] Looking for someone to print army bits for my Cadian infantry.
Adding a personal touch to my cadians
First time army units (am I getting destroyed?)
Should I bulk up and if how so