Anyone know a good timing kit to go with for a ka24de?
Why is this community so toxic?
Is it worth it ?
Made this haze that I have pretty good success with if I gank early. What do you guys think? Is there a way I can improve it?
KA24de Headgasket Questions
22 runs of Glacial Tarn
Go take a break. Deadlock will be fine.
119 on the track and haven’t gotten a artifact since track 39….
Do you recommend this game
New World is easily the worst tanking experience I've ever played.
Grace Greatsword
Grace is 10/10 for Dark Mist...
Grace Greatsword - PVE
whats weapon combos are meta right now? both pve and pvp
What's the weapon meta for PVE/PVP
This may be helpful for new players, optimal combinations of armor pieces by weight that still stay in desired weight class with the most armor.
$5 For one transmog token is ridiculous
Another Quest Overhaul?
Will Dungeons/Expeditions be useless now?
What is this thing? Found in a car I bought
9.0:1 or 8.6:1 compression
Amazon Scam where the scammer sends packages directly to my door.
Medium Builds and their Viability
Brought to collections for the first time for $162 payment
Updated Story Quests.