My opponent fell for a deadly trap I set, do you see why Black now wins?
White to play disgusting puzzle
Got 91.9% Accuracy against 1100 rated player
Guys, does a woman's past matter to you?
Finally reached 1500 (I had reached 1495 last may and have dropped to 1180 since but i finally came back up)
Got 99% accuracy first time with greek gift
this feature of sucks any suggestion
99% Accuracy first time
Holy Crap I didn't expect that .
Holy Crap , I didn't expect that !!
I got 1 brilliant 4 great moves and win / Engine : Clearly black outplayed you
Got 1100 ~ Looking forward to 1000
Which country do you have the most fun playing against?
4 brilliants. Guess the elo and time control
Where is my GM title lmao
Why is our urdu course like this???
Just went from 1500 elo down to 1200 elo in rapid in 3 days.
a lone king's journey
Is there anyone who is working as a frontend devolper or in software house?
Ladies, how do you approach guys?
windows 12 leak (100% real)
Is Hikaru retiring from classical chess?
Need some retired Player*
Guys, 1800s aren't that good😂
White to play. Mate in 1