Can't keep up with the house
Children who grew up to adore their parents~ please share
What are you doing at 5am?
What's the hardest thing about being a SAHM for you?
My favorite day of the year
Maternity leave
SAHM wife shows zero affection. Any advice?
I feel myself gaining resentment toward my wife due to her being absent from parenting.
What are you proud of this week?
Mental/Emotional Torture
Education/play inspiration reccomendations?
Rant/ reaching out.
Mamas, I need your input!
Anyone else happily friendless?
Getting my spark back
My 10mo won’t sleep without me!
AIO: I want to be a single dad
Mean mom
Do you do your husband’s laundry?
I am SAHM, given less than 24 hours notice
I miss obsessing over a specific topic and learning everything humanly possible about it now that I’m a father
I use this backdrop in my room to film YouTube videos, any suggestions on how I can a bit of character to my room, it just feels a bit dry ( this is a rented house)
Do you get annoyed when people give you unsolicited advice? Or tell you to do something that seems like common knowledge to you?
Why these kids so expensive.