N$60 new note in honorary of the late Dr. Hage, what are your thoughts?
Redditors downvoting comments for absolutely no reason.
Nesting with the griffons
Should I marry her guys?
0h crap! My babies have gotten bigger! They've taken over the farm and now idk what to do
Which anime got you like this after finishing it?
How to tell a member of my writer's group that his story kind of sucks
My boyfriend hit me for the first time in our two year relationship. Any advice?
The Dump - A meme based community server
The Dump
happy march 4th 🙃
So my sim started a baby farm. In the first picture you have a sim selling babies to customers. In picture 2 you see sims picking out a baby to take home. In picture 3 the babies have fully grown.
Welcome to the Dump. A meme based community server.
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You're making a anime but you're forced to put 5 of these tropes below on it, which ones would choose and why ?
Is gintama worth watching?
Comment an anime and I’ll tell you if I’ve seen it or not
Hobby suggestions for someone struggling with depression and anxiety
Armchair Discord Critics Think My Magnum Opus "Has No Audience"?