What concerning trend in society have you started to notice?
AIO, my parents warned my boyfriend about me
Jehovah's Witnesses at the Door – What Do You Do?
What’s the worst advice you’ve ever received?
I need help choosing a dress!
My family is pressuring me to give my (23/F) sister my (28/F) wedding venue because she needs it more and is pregnant
AITA for refusing to cancel my wedding because my sister wants my venue?
(S10) Spoiler: Basically Lex and Clark had a child.
Smallville Discord server?
just letting y’all know Alistair is an elf/dwarf chaser 😭 LOL
If somebody offered you $1,000 because you're ugly, what is the appropriate response?
AIO. Didn’t want to have sex, now we might break up
I would be pissed if I was the people of Metropolis. (S10)
Am I overreacting? Or is she cheating? (A list of things my girlfriend has been doing with this other guy) she tells me it’s platonic, they’ve been friends for 8 years
AITA for refusing to “demote” my dog after my sister gave her baby the same name?
AITA for buying a ps5 without my boyfriend and saying it's mine?
AIO Not wanting to talk to my uncle
What made you realise He/She is not the one?
AITA for refusing to let my husband get a large breed dog, he started treating me like a neighbor?
My [33F] husband [34M] played a cruel prank on our son. How do I get him to make this up to him?
what got you fired from your job ?
What was the worse thing your boss ever said to you?
Am I Overreacting bc I’m upset my husband cheated on me? :/
Why do Christians seem to love rich people?
My bf doesn’t want me to study, what should I do?