Weapon pick rate report: Servants of Freedom
Arrowhead, for the love of democracy plz give this thing a buff
I need that helmet to be Metallic =( (or the armour to be Sand coloured)
First time using Arc Thrower after months of neglect...
The Stim Pistol Experience:
The best designed unit for each enemy faction?
I know we'll never get this colab, but a man can dream!
[OC] Visualizing the lifetimes and reigns of a subset of Roman emperors.
I'm so proud of my country rn
little citizen wishes good luck to hell diver
Anon Has High Hopes For Mecha Break
Zig/anon is sad
G2 Compatible pens?
Let's go honey! I'll show you the galaxy!
I once got the legendary +100 super credits, it was beautiful
Which Terminid do you think would taste the best?
Is there a reason we can’t change skin color?
Can the Devs add a semi-automatic mode and not just a charged burst mode
Minor trajectory miscalculation
The REAL reason why so many people hate using the Reprimand.
Am i just a wuss or could the beam weapons use a buff?
Finally, I can find a proper use for this weapon and it feels great.
I just got jumped by their entire generation
Honestly, a lot of people do not belong in difficulty 10