Counters to DR, Zaalbar, and Mission in GAC 3v3?
Zaalbar Omicron - easy 3v3 2 shot?
Questions about executor
Is gear level 11 fine to leave my bad batch if they are 7 star along with my marauder when it comes to beating executor
Is gear 11 fine to leave my bad batch at if I have them at 7 stars and a 7 star marauder to beat executor
How are those credit cards lookin this week?
SEE as first GL
Which one of these is better for phoenix with rex
What leader should I use for the sep droids
razor crest
What are the conquest non-gl superstar squads?
Hi so I'm an idiot so I got a question
Nah, I'm done with GAC man.
Wich Zeta First?
Is this team any good once maxed?
Now that some time has passed; what is the overall consensus on GLAhsoka? Is she good or bad?
Should I go for Jedi knight cal