What are the Pros and Cons of your Pregnancy Timeline?
6 weeks pregnant and over it
What's your go-to when you have no appetite?
What do you mean I have to learn everyone's likes and loves now? 😭😭
What's the cutest or weirdest thing you saw on an ultrasound?
Ordered the wrong thing and ended up crying at the restaurant
Some sphynx cat stickers I’ve made
musicals based on/ about books
Gender Neutral Nursery
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
What are we wearing????
Name a Broadway/west end performer. People respond to them with the first role that performer did that comes to mind
If there was a “super smash brothers game” but instead of Nintendo characters it was characters from the Green Brothers books who do you think would be the best fighter?
Serial Killer Figurines
Feeling baby
Anyone craving subway?
“PENIS Goes HERE”- The edgey friend who couldn’t sign the onesie nicely like everyone else at my baby shower >:|
It's perfect and I love it!! ❤️
Second trimester really is SO much better…
Which movie is this for you?
Babylist sucks! What’s even the point of the registry discount?
Got tired of flipping through the swatch cards so I put the swatches on the markers instead
What’s your silliest/dumbest “pregnancy brain” moment? I’ll go first..
Logged into Animal Crossing after years away, got a gift that weirdly matched my real life
anyone else feel like pregnancy is making their skin go crazy?