Glock 48 w/ full size EPS
*Update* Using my soft hands to swing my purse at the m90 mag did not make it fit
Why aren't you building your own suppressor at home
How the hell you get 4k in ebt though?
So whats up with this?
Palmetto is scamming/ taking advantage of people new to suppressors.
Brand new Gen4 17c
Hey yall. Looking buy my first suppressor on the 3rd with the PSA/CA launch. Need suggestions
Palmetto state enters the chat
12 gauge suggestions
Neighbors won’t stop driving through my yard
Anthem L2 Range Report and Suppressor Comparison Extravaganza. Anthem L2 vs CAT JL vs Nomad L and more.
Fight that happened my senior year.
Talk dirty to me, Kirk
Sabre 300 BLK Pistol a good deal at 1099?
Whitmer needs to follow Maine
My lil PSA
My “we have a G45 at home” Glock
Super Safety: Deez Nuts Tactical (not a troll post)
Gun-Toting Trump Supporters Betrayed by Updated Gun Control Provisions During the Trump Administration
Cleaning traditional suppressors
How do I undig myself out of this hole
Which placard for my plate carrier?
Open fridges just got yanked and we got a new vendor