How did yall with 99999999 in this sub actually get them?
To year 11s ; what a levels are you thinking about taking?
craziest thing someone has done at your school?
what is order of difficulty of maths papers
Favourite GCSE?
How much revision should we be doing per day?
What time does ur school start and finish (or just say how many hours idk)
Mock results, I lowkey cooked
The Good Shade can come to the crossroads too!
I actually think they will, theoretically, show a trailer today
What if Mismagius was in RBY?
Do you guys get to pick a language?
Is round 90 that hard??
just 3 years left!!!1
now do silksong
Gonna be totally honest, we kinda walked into that one
There's something here we're not seeing... I just feel it...
Well, that was fun.
sorry guys i was hungry
If Silksong comes out in 2025, I will do absolutely nothing for everyone that comments
there’s a secret third team cherry member that big silksong don’t want you to know about
is it worth it
He’s done it again
the duality of water/psychic
Shiny item drops