Tell me Your Happy News!
Parent Appreciation Week
Does todays results change your timeline?
What are some things you're excited about to have a baby?
I KNOW you can not decide when you're giving birth, but is the timing of your TTC date related to possible birthing date ? If you could choose, when would you prefer your baby to arrive ?
Savings Plan Preparing for Baby
I want a baby so bad 😭 (vent)
What are you guys planning to buy new for baby when you do get pregnant?
Bitten at daycare
Creating the next generation
Hunger Games - Capitol Version
Happy New Year! Anyone else excited if this is your year to start?
Baby Name jealously?
With NYCC coming to an end today, how would you rate this year's NYCC and why?
Today's purchases.
Do you plan to find out the gender?
How, if at all, do you plan to change your home for a child?
I know it’s a common meme for moms to get playfully(or otherwise) upset when their child looks like a carbon copy of their dads but secretly I hope that’s the case
He wants baby to take his last name. I want baby to take mine
What would be your ideal birth month and why?
Stole SIL date without realizing
If you won 5 million dollars on the condition that you had to spend as much of it in 1 week and the rest had to be forfeited, how would you spend it?
South Coast vs Royal Caribbean
What do you think would happen if aliens would invade us?
What is your fave baby daydream?