Hire Me To Fix Ranked Singles
I know it’s worth it but I really don’t like ultimate clash
Screw Goku, most other anime can’t even beat king vegeta
My favourite moment from the AOT: Requiem animation
Very random question but how different would the game be if most of the casts genders were swapped?
وانا عم قول لحالي شو ناقصنا؟ شو ناقصنا ؟؟؟
Side by side of super hero movie vs the game, insane
Is the post credit scene considered canon in the main story?
I’m not sure if it’s just me but it looks like Gohan (SH) is more jacked than his previous models
What is your favorite archetype that isn't good and need support!
When you're facing an enemy but keep giving them advice on how to avoid you cause you're just a chill stand who believes in equal opportunity.
What is this ability?
I don't understand?
$2.50 for one donut, yet 3 donuts is $9? Excuse me?
W Araki as usual
Intentional or just the biggest dumbasses on the planet?
Is this the worst banner ever?
Power-scaling bros are onto something
Am I overreacting?
Something I can’t believe wasn’t in the game “Glocku”
Do you think Hercule accurately envisioned Beerus in his final form?
Not saying they're bad. I actually quite enjoyed the muda-muda and since I didn't know about it it genuinely caught me by surprise.